Saturday, January 23, 2010

If i became memory

如果我變成回憶 最怕我太不爭氣
If I became a memory - I'm most afraid that I'll let myself down

頑固地賴在空氣 霸佔妳心裡 每一吋縫隙
Stubbornly lingering in the air Dominating your heart Every part of it


連累依然愛我的妳 痛苦承受失去
Making the you that still loves me, suffer painfully for this loss


這樣不公平 請妳盡力 把我忘記
This isn't fair Please try your best To forget me

Tank - 如果我變成回憶


I wouldnt want to talk about my relationship. Not even to my friends. Even if i were, its not clear for them actually. So most of my friends thought im treating my relationship in a childish way or maybe a "puppy-love" attitude. Well, i dont think i need to explain to everyone since its quite a private thang to me. Guess i should let go, i'm going to keep this feeling deep down to my heart, that nobody would ever notice, until one day, it is discovered.

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