Wednesday, March 24, 2010



对啊  我的生活就是很无聊
之前那分工没有做了  说要在家好好休息
不要问我  连我自己也不知道下一秒会有什么念头
可能又发神经  不想去明天的面试
在tun razak的popular  希望真的请我啦
我的经济状况现在已经面临瓶井的状态  我还要染发呢
不过又想下  只有三个月的工作时限  谁要请啊

对了  关于南大的亚细安奖学金  不是说过去之前去面试吗
虽然我并不真的要在南大念书  虽然那奖学金拿了我也不一定会用
的确  我的成绩怎么跟人家11  12  科A1比
或许在所有候选人当中  我的成绩是最烂的  顶多来充数而已
我并不是要博得安慰  只是我更可以深切地体会到
成绩  真的很重要  哪怕是那一两科A

今天我上了Malaysia Scholarship Centre
找来找去  也只有Kuok Foundation是我可以申请的
看着那么多奖学金  我却无法成为它们的一份子
“ 难道真的一定要出国念吗? ”
其实本地大学也不错  至少可以申请到免学费的奖学金
至少在本地  可以帮轻家里

到最后  我还是相信世界大学排名的信誉
我相信  能够挤进前50名的
所以  无论如何


今天妈妈留给我们的纸条特别好笑 =)

CZH = 弟弟

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


如果问我  这一生当中有什么遗憾
我想应该就那一百零一个  真的遗憾  真的后悔
演讲  广播  主持  论坛  都碰过
就是辩论  我傻到去逃避它

第一  很难
每次说什么战场  什么辩论术语  我都完全不明白  解释了也没变
第二  没有信心
尤其是即席自由辩  真的考倒我了
第三  如果有看我最后一次的辩论赛  应该都知道
自那次比赛以后  我完全退伍  不上辩论课
因为  阴影

其实  我曾经是学校辩论组的一份子  但不是正式会员
那一年  我参加了校内辩论赛  然后很侥幸地进入人生中第一次的决赛
很幼稚那时候  因为辩题我根本不能认同
应该说  认同的人是少之又少
"精神出轨不是不忠的体现"  *类似酱*
就是说  另一半的心想着其他异性  是可以被原谅的
这种鬼东西   谁会认同嘛

当然  也可以从其他方面来比
但是  偏偏  对方看中我还是在热恋当中  频频向我进攻
你说  在众目睽睽之下  揭开我爱情的这一块  而且还是在校园内
可以说  那时候我整个脑袋一片空白

信心除了大减  还是大减
后来也不知道为什么  莫名其妙不去上辩论课
因为少了它  中学生涯就不完美

如果告诉他们  我没有经验  没有技巧


Sunday, March 14, 2010




大学环境的优美再怎么诱惑  再怎么让人蠢蠢欲动
也抵挡不了心中的那一股  焦虑  迷惘
如果可以直接丢下一笔钱  让我单纯地享受大学的滋味
不为奖学金  不为贷款  不为下一餐是面包还是快熟面来填肚而烦恼

学生公寓很漂亮  很高级的感觉
只是  如果我有能力租间有私人厕所的房间
无所谓  改掉洗澡后包着毛巾走来走去的习惯就好

要乐观  乐观
对  我身边的好朋友会撑我
再不然  没有钱用的时候  就沿用学长的"新国生存之道"

对未来  对大学  对他国
是期待  兴奋  还是不安

ps : air asia真的..........坐到我想吐....

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


My intuitions are fighting among each other now.
I'm suppose to choose my preference by subject or school?
The possibility for me to choose Bus. Admin offered by NUS(National Uni of S'pore) is roundly 80%.
You know why?
Because it is like one of the best business schools in Asia and its ranked as 30th among the world unis.
Vry shocking and outrageous.
At this point, i have no reason but to choose this prestigious uni.

However, I don't know why NTU(Nanyang Technological Uni) offers me Maths & Econs.
Eventhou its not my first choice which i purposely placed it as the 3rd choice because thats what i REALLY REALLY INTERESTED WITH!
If NTU provides me to study bus. admin or accountancy that will not be bothering me at all.
But hey, this double degree programme is like a fatty fleshy meat in front of me and i really trying hard to hold back my temptation.
Still, one of the top 100 world unis but not as outstanding as nus.

Tomoro going to s'pore for asean scholarship interview in ntu.
Vry complicated mood i have with me now.
Since i've failed in this kinda occasions just no longer before.
So, no over-expectation and also over-lack-of-confident.
Life is about options.
I'll just hope for the best.
I hope i can get to meet up with my babes over there as well.

God treats every human being fair enough.
When he took something away from you, he'll give another thing in return.
Just like i never own a pretty face or wealthy family, but its really lucky that i get to study in unis that seemed to be an "impossible" to me initially.
I appreciate with everything i have.
Life's been so great enough.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Warrior Woman

Life's been doing great lately.
I feel grateful. I feel blessed.

Neither of these feelings came from how many branded things i have nor how many days i spent on shopping.
Alternatively, i read books.
Don't give me the "wow" reaction. I know, i don't read books other than textbooks even during my high school year and i could hardly finish a 200 pages book in a week time. So my friends really hated lending me their novels. LOL
Never mention about how fast i finish a book, im totally indulge in AMY TAN'S collections at the moment.

How elegant she is =)

Basically, she's an A-B-C which brings the meaning of "American borned chinese" and even so, she's very much influenced by chinese culture.
I don't know where she gets this influence from, but in most of her books she talks about how chinese survived during the war-time, in details which i don't really heard of some of it before though i was brought up in a chinese family.
She's from foreign country and yet she knows about china's history or beliefs like she lived in china.
And so, i salute to how amazing writer she is, Amy Tan.

Next thing, i watch Oprah Winfrey's show vry frequent especially today which its a back-to-back series.
There's always a weird sensation on me whenever Oprah talks about how amazing a woman is, how woman suffers from AIDS/HIV infected by their partners, how the africa women survive from being abused and raped countlessly by the devil (men), how they nurture their kids despite of whatever diseases the children or themselves are suffering from.

The impact of the show on me is thousands and millions times more than any other mediums, any other books.
I have an acne skin, and i would blame the god for giving me such destiny.
I do not have any wealthy girls' faith, going for clubs, shop in Prada and LV, and the thought would appear in mind as in "How i wish i could have such fortunate life", "How i wish i live in an enormous bungalow with a swimming pool" and "How i wish i could pamper myself everyday in saloon or beauty centre.".
Yes, i do confess, sometimes i might get jealous with some gorgeous bloggers.

However, watching a mother with both her hands and legs amputated, but still have the strong will power to recover herself, telling herself that she must go home as soon as possible to take care of her children.
I can feel how stuggling and strong she is, and i could not hold my tears throughout the episod.
This is a true warrior, a truly beautiful woman.
Honestly, physically contentment is no longer an issue anymore.

I wouldnt know that enrichment in mental spirit can help you to grow so much, knowing what your responsibility is as a woman in this society.
A truly gorgeous woman is when you inspired others as well as yourself, but not blindly obssess with how thick the make-ups on your face.
Now that i finally realised an inner side of beauty is vry much lasted than outside's beauty.
This entry means a lot to me.
Its a prove that i have to leave unnecessacities aside while i pursue my studies to singapore.

The journey has just begun.

To be a true warrior women, you need to have lived a bit and survived more than a few knocks, you do not suffer fools, nor do you entertain petty personal insecurities. We warrior woman are an awesome bunch. Love and Living every moment