Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Offensive Conversation

"Hello, may i know who's on the line please?"

"This is Pusat BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA..."



"Okay whatever. Someone with this number called me just now."

"Well, I dunno who is it but certainly not me."

"Are you sure? Because this is a cellphone number."

"YES! I bet you can hear clearer this time right?!"



There's nothing to be angry about. Just that this stupid fella who previously called me and when i called back was being so damn rude. Since she's from the certain organisation, cant she just say nicely but shout at a possibly-customer?

I admit its my hearing problem. I just dont get it what so big deal to repeat again?? Plus i didnt complain her for talking in a way that tortured my ear since her voice was damn tiny what. I dunno the prob is from line system or the person itself.

 DUH, forget it.

p/s: I look very piggy when i didnt do any expression.

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